
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

So its 07' now. Whats new in life? I feel like alot has happened, but I have ZERO to say. Maybe because no ones listening, or reading. Could be. I guess I don't know where to start really.

New job. New wants. New outlooks. New friends. New life, basically.

I work in Manhattan now. Its great. I get to be in the middle of all the action, whilst making money. Score, right? Somewhat. It has its downfalls. 4 hour roundtrip commute, daily. $$$ gone from travel. Long days and nights. Don't get to see my friends as often, or be accessible as I used to be. Getting homesick. But its all for the greater good, for myself. Right? Yes. Its a give and take relationship with my job. The people I work with are great, and I don't feel I need to put on an "act" around them, which is great. I hate being "at work Leah". I like to be me, and be sarcastic and goof off, while still getting everything we need done, done. And I feel I can do that here. Thats what keeps me around over all else. And having money in my bank account aint bad either, man.

What I want out of this year is some accomplishment, and some growth. I want to be able to take care of myself. Which I basically do now, but to really do it on my own. Be my own person, and grow up in a sense. I want to be at peace with things. I want to be able to shut off my mind, and enjoy the things around me. Instead of worrying about what the future will hold, or if there will be a future to look forward to. I would love to travel, and take pictures of all the things I find interesting, make music that I like, and be able to express my creative side a bit more. I want to be more motivated to do these things. I want alot of things to come out of this year, but over all else I want to be at peace with myself. I want to be happy. Not that im this miserable lump, but just happiness in the things I do and the people around me. Looking forward to things is what keeps people going, and I want things to look forward to.

Some new outlooks I have would be the following. You gotta do what makes YOU happy. Nothing too spectacular or mind blowing, but its true. And I want to live by that. It may sound selfish, but its your life to live and you can't always live for everyone but yourself. You'll miss out. I just feel that people should do what they want, and if its something that they long for then they should just go for it. If you are longing to be a KKK member, JUST DO IT. Kidding. Relax. Ive also come to the conclusion that sometimes when youre "down" not everyone will have the right thing to say. You can't count on people to make you feel better, you gotta make yourself feel better. Everyone goes through the "Ups" and the "Downs" thats part of what makes us human beings. Ive also learned that Im either really concerned with things, or I dont care at all. Its like 2 extremes. Sometimes Ill feel that I need to know everything or figure out certain things, and then other times I just dont care. Im numb to it. I wish I could change that. A happy medium. I want to be aware and concerned about anything thats important in life, and to be numb to the things that are useless and just break me down. Right now its the opposite, and that must change. Lately I've felt like I have no time for bullshit. For some reason I feel I don't have alot of time on this earth and I don't want to spend it in a negative way. Feeling like I don't have alot of time (for a reason unknown to me) makes certain things I do or say come off the wrong way. It makes me impatient. Not good. I know Im not perfect, and I'd never claim to be. But Im trying to better myself, like everyone should. I'm a pretty cool chick once you get to know me. But Im human too.

Ive met some really cool people over the past few years, and I hope to know most if not all of them for a long long time. I hate to name people, because Ive done it in the past and it always seems like I never hear from them again after I tell everyone how great they are. So Ill leave it at that. I feel my life is somewhat a new, but still the same. I feel like I've been through alot of things before 07' and even in 07'. Things have broken me down, but they helped me learn and made me stronger in a sense.

So Thank You, life.


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Monday, July 11, 2005

Andrew Dice Clay.

A legend in the comedy world. Andrews "don't give a rats ass" persona is exactly the type of comedy that puts me in stiches after listening. Andrew is no new news. If you don't at least recognize the name then you, my friend, have lived a sad life. ESPECIALLY if you are a fan of comedy. I am a youngin, yes, and I didn't "grow up listening to him" but I have heard him throughout my childhood and now my adulthood life. I always enjoyed Dices comedy. Its the kind you can listen to over and over again and not get tired of. The kind where you laugh just as hard the 20th time as you did the 1st time. Andrew Dice Clay, motherfuckers.

His entrance was priceless. Usually with the headliner they announce the name and quickly the comedian makes his entrance and starts his act. Not Dice. "And now your headliner Andrew Dice Clay!!!" everyones head turns toward the comedian entry door, waiting to get the first glimpse of the legend. Including my dumb Pollock head. You ever realize that you've been waiting a bit too long and decide to make the move of turning back around? Yeah it got to that. I did and then once I heard the hooting and hollering get even louder I turned around and paid my attention to the funniest man in show bizz walking practically straight toward me. His "I don't give a fuck" face was on and he took his good ole time getting to that stage. Why should he rush? Dice doesn't have to. Dice made his way to the stage and proceeded to take his time with starting his act. Walking around stage and making the crowd laugh and anticipate the first words that'd come out of his mouth.

Dice starts ripping into it. Laughs upon laughs throughout his hr and a half set. Sitting about 5 feet away from him in a private setting was possibly the best way to ever witness a comedy show, let alone a Dice show. I was in awe the whole time and gasping for air a few times. He poked fun at everything. You can tell he really loves his career and what he does. Hes passionate about it, especially when hes spitting left and right with tremendous humor and wit. Angry and hilarious this guy is. Andrew knows exactly how to break things down into a real state. From Starbucks to fat chicks, he covered everything. Dice ended with his famous nursery rhyme jokes. Holy balls what a way to end a show with all his fans chanting along with him the exact words of his jokes. It ended with a bang.

Show was insane, I stood my ass up and gave him my limp wrist standing ovation.

If you weren't there you truly missed out on one of the greatest events of all time. Carolines On Broadway (an intimate small comedy club) one night only, one time slot. Perfection. Priceless. I will remmeber that night forever.

And I'm out.

Friday, July 01, 2005

So its been close to 3 months. Who cares? No. Really. Who cares?

I have been to frequent comedy shows, all of which I am too lazy to discuss. They're fun though.

This blog entry will be no more entertaining then a half dollar. Thats right, I said it, a half dollar.

My birthday passed this last month. June 8th, to be exact. I have entered into the world of adulthood. 20s. No longer a teen, not yet a women. Oh Jesus. I got some grand gifts, including a spiffy brand spankin new keyboard. I <3 keyboards, because they give me entertainment and they make me creative, with sound. I plan on making many a songs for my siblings to here over and over again, before they drive a shovel into my warped skull. I love the "laugh" effect. I especially love it over and over again for 7 minutes straight until someone either tells me to stop or I come out of my daze. I really am quite the retard.

Pin making has become a slightly new hobby. After about 14 mess ups its not a hobby anymore, its a sentence. It takes me a while to get all smooth edges, but when its all smooth it is killer. When it isnt smooth I become a killer.

Im thinking of maybe starting a website. Just as soon as I make a make-shift music album. I could possibly display my art and also my music. I can then become just like all the other 120,000,000 people doing so. I am unique. Its a goal.

Spending way too much time online, so much that I think of taking a hiatus just to get away from the whole online community. It really becomes dull. Even when friends IM me I am utterly bored and wanting to rid myself of all computer capabilities. Not because they are boring, I am boring and I am tired of the back and forth yipper yapper. But I do love my friends, and they are welcomed to talk to me anytime. Ha. I am just not that interesting.

I find happiness in movies like Goodfellas. Hilarious movie, so well shot (no pun intended lollerz), and just a great cast and acting. If I could of been in a movie I think that would be at the top of the list. Joe Pesci rulez in that movie. Many L-O-Ls from his performance. Every gangster reading this has seen it, and if you haven't then may I just ask you to go end your life plz k thnx.

I really am quite bored with alot of things. I shall soon snap out of it, because this coming week will be chock-full-o things-to-do. Including DICE. *Shits pants* I am thrilled.

schlong johns. so long.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

So how many months has it been???

Gosh, I just dont have the ambition to update, and from the look of it none of you have the ambition to comment. Ya know what that means? Update time.

So I went to a pilot taping in the city of New York, on thursday the 7th....of April. Got it straight? A pilot taping, for those of you who dont know, is basically a tv show that has not been picked up by a network yet. I gotta tell ya it was kind of exciting, I have never been to anything like this before. My good ole friend Patrick had an extra ticket and asked me if I wanted to go. Of course I did. Id get to hang with the coolest peeps ever (Patrick, Lamott, Kirill, and Flea <---Lol..jokes)whilst witnessing history in the making? Um... yes. Count me in.

If any of you have ever seen the show Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn (cancelled, sadly) then you will know what I am talking about when I say that this show was basically just like that. It will be, or is, called the Greg Giraldo Show. Greg Giraldo was a regular on Tough Crowd, and is a well developed comedian. It had that Tough Crowd set up and essence, but it was not Tough Crowd. As the people who I went with said "Its Tough Crowd Lite". It was really cool to actually see how the whole pilot taping worked though. You got to see what was beyond the television screen, and that to me is very cool. The show ran about 2 hours, with cuts and commercial breaks, etc. Guests included...the great Lewis Black, Patton Oswalt and Lynn Koplitz for eye candy. A really good panel of guests for the first show.

For those of you who have no idea what the show Tough Crowd was...

Tough Crowd was a show hosted by the insane and loveable Colin Quinn. If you dont know who Colin Quinn is I suggest considering suicide. Tough Crowd was basically a talk show with a panel of comedians who spoke out on just about every subject there is. Religion, sex, drugs, etc. It was all comedians, so youd have that humor added into peoples views and thoughts. I miss that show greatly. Well The Greg Giraldo show is basically the same thing, but its more Bill Mahr then Colin Quinn. This show was very rehearsed, possibly due to being a pilot and wanting everything to run smoothly. You could also tell that it was THE GREG GIRALDO SHOW, hence the name. The panel of guests did speak out and did make us all chuckle, but the show did focus more on the host then its guests. Which is another reason why it is the new Tough Crowd Lite.

I thouroughly enjoyed myself though. I also think this show could be somewhat of a hit. It was really funny, and interesting to watch. I am glad I had that experience, because it probably wont happen again.

Im out of things to say, so I will leave you with a goodbye and a good tidings.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Ever go to a concert entitled "12 and up"?

This past day of the sat I attended a Ryan Cabrera concert. Now all the boys and gals reading can get a good chuckle and disappointment in the taste of my music. I like him. Can I help it? No. A dear friend, named Rob, bought me and my sister tickets to go this event. What a nice thing to do. It was for my sisters birthday, and he added in a ticket for me. I was extremely surprised and thankful to him for doing so. Thanks again, Rob. Mine and Juliannas friend, Emily, joined in by buying a ticket for herself. I was pleased that we'd be experiencing a "12 and up" concert together. Seen as how we are 18+, this should be an interesting site. After waiting about 2hrs outside with the temperature dropping, and mass people cutting in and out of the line, we finally got in the doors. I never saw so much 13yr old punanny in my life. Ever, and Ive been to *NSYNC concerts. Yes more then one. So we scurry to the main room and pick a good spot to stand in. We were actually really close to the stage. As the night went on we got closer and closer, and by the high point of the night we were about 5 people deep from the stage. Not bad. The view was excellent, because I was taller then most everyone there and I had no heads in front of me. It was a grand site.

The two openers didnt really impress me. So lets not waste my time or yours.

Ryans stage setup was very chill and cool. For a standing room only venue with a stage the size of a small car, it really looked awesome. Ryan came out and all the 12yr old vaginas became wet. Gross. Ryan really knew what he was doing up there. Constantly talking to the crowd, longer then expected, and even bringing out some new songs for us to feast on. The show was very energentic, and I would definitely attend his show again. Ryan even puled out a Paul Simmon and a Paula Abdul song for us 18+ fans to enjoy. You saw about 4 people singing along to Paula and Paul. That would include me, Julianna, Emily, and one mother. I enjoyed it though. Once Ryan pulled a Hanson song out of his ass you saw all the girlies singing "MMMM Bop". Sadness.

The concert, for what it was, was a really good time. Excellent. Alot of energy and alot of stage presence. The whole package. You left fufilled.

Eventhough I have disappointed many by confessing one of my musical likes, I still enjoyed myself. So Boo Ya.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day.

Valentines Day usually starts to show right after all the Christmas decorations deminish. By January 1st there are at least two or three shelves devoted to V-day candy and goods in any store you go into. I ignore these movements. I didnt even really acknowledge "The Day Of Love" until it was smack dab in my face. I made my family cards at 10:30pm-ish the day of Valentines. One hour and a half left to celebrate the holiday and im making cards. I got gifts and candy from my family, which I enjoyed fully. I just wasnt really in the holiday spirit, for this particular holiday.

No, its not because I am single. In fact, I wouldnt have it any other way. I enjoy the notion that when I wake up I dont have to please someone else. I dont have to worry about fighting or relationship problems. I just wake up, pounce about, go to work, do other activities of my choice, and go to bed. Its just as exciting as it sounds. I like it that way though.

The holiday is over. While other people are sad, because they are single and not getting over sized teddy bears on this day, I am happy, because I am not getting over sized teddy bears. So it all works out, for at least me, in the end. Gotta think of yourself first, right? RIGHT? No.

I hope you all had a lovely Vaginal Disease day, and I wish great things for all you lovers out there. Death is at the top of the list.

(insert sarcasm...somewhat)

Love, Censored.

Friday, February 04, 2005

6 days of work.

Every week my schedule has been made up of 6 days of work. 6 days! Now I know there are women out there, and men, who work more hours then me. These men and women are usually parents. I do not own any children and I dont have any immense bills...yet. I work just as many, if more, hours then one lady at work. This lady has 4 kids and a household to run. Why should we make the same money? Why should i be working the same length of hours as a mother? Im a 19 year old girl, and sometimes it seems like when I go home 5 kids and a husband are going to magically appear. Im 19. I do not have a husband nor kids. Dont want them at the moment. I just work like I do.

One good thing I can say about working 6 days is a decent paycheck. By decent I mean over 200 dollars. I should be getting paid double that, for what I do. Ill take the 2 hundred though. I only have to pay minimal rent and no other major bills. So I do have the chance to actually save some money. Its a good thing. I just wish I made more money and could work less hours.

A rant is a rant, I guess. Just needed to let some thoughts out on here about my work. Do I feel better? Possibly not.

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