
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day.

Valentines Day usually starts to show right after all the Christmas decorations deminish. By January 1st there are at least two or three shelves devoted to V-day candy and goods in any store you go into. I ignore these movements. I didnt even really acknowledge "The Day Of Love" until it was smack dab in my face. I made my family cards at 10:30pm-ish the day of Valentines. One hour and a half left to celebrate the holiday and im making cards. I got gifts and candy from my family, which I enjoyed fully. I just wasnt really in the holiday spirit, for this particular holiday.

No, its not because I am single. In fact, I wouldnt have it any other way. I enjoy the notion that when I wake up I dont have to please someone else. I dont have to worry about fighting or relationship problems. I just wake up, pounce about, go to work, do other activities of my choice, and go to bed. Its just as exciting as it sounds. I like it that way though.

The holiday is over. While other people are sad, because they are single and not getting over sized teddy bears on this day, I am happy, because I am not getting over sized teddy bears. So it all works out, for at least me, in the end. Gotta think of yourself first, right? RIGHT? No.

I hope you all had a lovely Vaginal Disease day, and I wish great things for all you lovers out there. Death is at the top of the list.

(insert sarcasm...somewhat)

Love, Censored.

Friday, February 04, 2005

6 days of work.

Every week my schedule has been made up of 6 days of work. 6 days! Now I know there are women out there, and men, who work more hours then me. These men and women are usually parents. I do not own any children and I dont have any immense bills...yet. I work just as many, if more, hours then one lady at work. This lady has 4 kids and a household to run. Why should we make the same money? Why should i be working the same length of hours as a mother? Im a 19 year old girl, and sometimes it seems like when I go home 5 kids and a husband are going to magically appear. Im 19. I do not have a husband nor kids. Dont want them at the moment. I just work like I do.

One good thing I can say about working 6 days is a decent paycheck. By decent I mean over 200 dollars. I should be getting paid double that, for what I do. Ill take the 2 hundred though. I only have to pay minimal rent and no other major bills. So I do have the chance to actually save some money. Its a good thing. I just wish I made more money and could work less hours.

A rant is a rant, I guess. Just needed to let some thoughts out on here about my work. Do I feel better? Possibly not.

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