
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

A Day In The Life Of Quitting My Fucking Job!

You all know where I work (worked). If not, why don't ya read my fucking blog? I work at a pizza restaurant. I recently filled out an application to a hotel, Hampton Inn, which is part of the Hilton hotels. I honestly wasn't expecting a call back. The next day I get a call from the manager at the hotel. "I was looking over your application and Id like to have you come in for an interview". Fucking sweet, right? I go in the next day and have a very good interview. The only downfall was that I wouldn't be able to work Sundays. The interview went awesome, but the job wasn't looking promising. I thought I wouldn't get called again. Wrong, again. I got a call on Monday and was asked to come fill out papers so I could start working. I was thrilled, and excited that I wouldn't have to make pizzas anymore.

So, its tuesday. Today is the day I have to tell my current employers that I will no longer be an employee of there establishment. Always exciting. I go into work, and have to wait an extra hour for them to show up. I tell my assistant manager that this is my last week, and he says "oh yeah?". He'll miss me. I tell the owners/managers daughter the same and she asks about my new job, etc. Looking at me with angst. The one thing she said was, "well someone is gonna have to cover monday, cause im not working my day off"...yeah shes a caring soul. All I said to her was, " yeah, i don't know, im leaving saturday". What, did she expect me to work for her? Bullshit. So once the managers get there I ask the women manager to talk with her for a few minutes. We go over to the side and I say, "Uh, this is gonna be my last day at work because I just got a new job at the Hampton Inn and I didn't have notice of it before hand". She wasn't happy but she said "ok". I mean, what else can she do? Eat my face? Id bite back. So she goes and tells the other cock sucker manager(male, old, bitter). He comes walking in and the first thing he says to me is "Thanks for ruining my vacation". What? You mean to tell me that I am that powerful that you cant go on your vacation because of my absence? Give me a break, and a handy. All the shit that I have to deal with, on top of a boss who has the charm of a dead ax murderer, I got inflamed with anger. I just wasn't having any today. I said, "Ruin your vacation? How did I ruin your vacation?" "I got no one to work for me now".."No one to work for you? Theres other people here too, not just me." then he sarcastically said "all I said was thanks". Fucker. I said, "don't give me that bullshit, cause that's what it is...bullshit" I went and grabbed my purse and something fucking clicked in my head. I put my purse down and walked over there and said, verbandom, "Its not my fucking problem that you don't have enough help" as soon as I said "fucking" the old lady went "Excuse me..." I blurted in"..NO! Excuse me! I don't need this bullshit, youre gonna blame me for making you miss your fuckin vacation. Hire some help! I got enough issues that I don't need this bullshit right now!!" I said many other things, but was too enraged to rememebr exactly what came out of my mouth. You have to understand, I try to bite my lip if someone says something cocky or rude to me, especially at work. Something just snapped in my fucking head and I was off and running with words. I didnt care who saw, who was there, nothing. I was done being "miss nice". I loved how all my co-workers stared at me and no one said a word. It was glorious. So after screaming the women says, "you can just leave now then" "thats fine" I said. The old man stops me and says, "where are you going?" "She just told me to go and I am not gonna stay here after being blamed for your ruined vacation adn working with displeased people" "You gotta stay youre scheduled till 11pm and you have things to do" "Things to do? She just told me to go, should I stay after being told to go? I wouldnt stay anyway, not after all this" I walked out. I mean fuck them. Who are they? I think I said "I gotta live my life too" and "Its not my fault or problem that you dont have more help" about 13 times. Get it across your foreheads people.

I stormed to my familys business and told them all about it. I was so pissed and adreniline filled that I was talking 800 miles a minute and way too excited about it. I probably told them what happened 12 times. So now its 10:52pm and I would be vaccuming at work and wanting to kill myself. I really dont feel bad for leaving and making people pick up my slack. They will realize what kinda of "slack" I always had to pick up and realize what they fucked over. So fuck them.

Ahhh, sense of relief. I still gotta get up at 8am to start my new job. I hope its good. I think itll be more low key and a dependant job. I like when I have work assigned and I can be left alone and finish it. Thats what I like. It may be a little tough to gather all the duties, but I think ill be able to catch on quick. I have to go read a hand book and fill out a form. So thanks for reading my drudgery and skipping lines in the process. Later.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Don't have a heart attack, but this is an update.

So I just got back from vacation (If you didn't read the previous entry I went to Hunt Valley, MD. Baltimore, basically). It started off rocky, but ended up pretty sweet...

What was rocky, Leah? About 5 hours before our expected departure we found ourselves with no vehicle for transportation. Why? Fuckin' cunt at the rental place. We were supposed to pick up our "hot" van on Thursday around 5pm. My mom and sister go there early and the girl tells them there is no van. Apparently, this girl gave us a slip for Thursday but wrote herself a slip for Friday. So we were to sit on our thumbs and wait until 9am to even get on the road for an 4-8 hour drive. Fuck that. Once everyone was told and angered, my dad and mom decided not to go (with a lot more drama then specified in that one line). One of my sisters also decided to stay at home. Why? I have no fucking idea. So Moms cancelled our hotel rooms and the weekend was looking pretty grim. I hopped on the computer and was looking up New York City hotels to stay there for the weekend. I refused to sit at home on my vacation time. I am not getting paid vacation, so I might as well enjoy what I have to pay for. I found a couple places that I was considering, but then my older sister and myself (along with my other sister) really wanted to go to MD. After some confusion we ended up reserving another hotel room and tried to figure out how the hell we were going to get there. My sisters boyfriend gave us his car to use for the weekend (finally looking up), which was awesome. We didn't get to leave until about 3AM, but got there at about 9ish AM.

The hotel was gorgeous. Water fountains, pool, sauna(that I didnt go in, sadly) and apartment like rooms. It looked kind of tropical, yet modern and fuckin sweet. We walked into our room and it was two fuckin rooms! Very surprised we all started laughing with glee. I think I may have taken 5 or 6 pictures of just the hotel room. Im sad, I know.

The reason why we went to MD was because of this horror convention that goes on every summer. Old/new horror/sci fi movie actors all gather for people to meet them. It was kinda cool. There is a huge dealers room with all sorts of movie memorbillia and creepy art. I bought some things and spent way more money then expected. At night they had karaoke at the 50s like bar. My sister Julianna sang Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, it was sweet dick. I took a few pics, I became the ultimate mother. Then I gathered up enough balls to sign up for a song (Whitney Houstons 'Heart Break Hotel', thats right). Julianna and I both went up and waited as our song didnt play. "The cd wont read" the dj said. OF COURSE! The one song out of this booklet that I actually knew and kinda liked. So what did we end up singing...Over The Rainbow by Judy Garland. Thanks Karaoke dj. It was aight'.

Other things that we did (without back stories and explainations)...

-Took pictures of ourselves flying in the air...to land on our beds.
-Listened to what I thought was a bear outside our hotel room.
-Ordered 13 Going On 30 to watch in our hotel room. Why?
-Went down to Virginia to meet my brothers girlfriends parents (and to eat mexican food that later became horror).
-Went to the Inner Harbor in Baltimore and went on a water taxi to this little port. Bought some "shit" there.
- Ate way too much food
-etc etc etc

Got home, gave gifts to my 'rents and listened to there complaints about our weekend. Ha.

I am sure there are things I have forgotten, but dont worry I will punch myself in the throat five minutes after I finish this entry and publish it to my blog.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking. Is this going to be the last time I read a new entry, for another 2 months? Its possible. I mean why should I update? Humph.

Nothing spectacular has been happening. Work, work, sleep, work, work. Basically. One of the kids that worked with me got fired so I have been pulling in more hours that aren't needed. I work 6 days a week and hours that I would love to give up. What can ya do though? Start from scratch? Try and labor to find a new job? Get used to that job and then eventually hate it as well? I guess I don't have much patience or interest in work. I need the money though.

I am going on vacation for about 5 days. Should be fun. La familia and myself are taking a trip down to Baltimore, MD. We will be attending a horror convention and the likes of that town. We go every year. Its a good time. There are older horror movie actors, along with newer ones. Tons and tons of movie memorabilia to buy and go broke with. Plus, a nice hotel with a pool,sauna,and gym to have some nice relaxing time. I want to relax and have funt his weekend. God knows I will dread Monday night when I know I have work the next day. Savor it as long as you have it, I guess.

So I am leaving you all with a few new facts about my life. You'll have to wait 2 months and 5 days for a new entry. So savor this one as long as you have it. Buh bye.

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